Friday, 11 December 2015
What if ? Metropolis Final Presentation (incomplete)
This presentation is not complete because of technical problems, the final presentation will be uploaded next week once the problems have been fixed.
Friday, 4 December 2015
Final Concept Painting
I found that the ground and sky in my concept seemed to dark and did not match the colours well of my buildings. I decided to change the colours and add fog effects into my background.
Friday, 27 November 2015
Animation Leson #8 (Boxer) #1
Here I started animating a human figure.
I had to use a boxer as I was not happy with my life drawing images as they did not work well.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Concept #6
Here Is another concept piece that i feel could possibly be for my final, I looked into perspective to give the city depth. I liked the colours I had used for this concept but also the designs and layout of the work. I feel I am most likely going to choose this concept for my final piece as It seems to bring a piece of all my previous concept art into one.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Film review:La Belle et la Bete
Fig.1 La Belle et la Bete poster
La Belle et la Bete was produced in 1946 and was directed by Jean Cocteau.
The film is about a woman called beauty who gives up her life to live in a mysterious castle. The reason beauty did this was to save her fathers life, as her father had wandered into the grounds of the beasts castle and picked a rose. This had made the beast angry and said he would kill the man if he did not give up one of his daughters.
'Belle has come to the castle as a hostage. She lives at home with her father, two unkind sisters and a silly brother, whose handsome friend wants to marry her. But she cannot marry, for she must care for Poppa. His business is threatened, and he learns on a trip to a seaport that he has lost everything. On his way home, through a forest on a stormy night, he happens upon the Beast's castle, and is taken prisoner and told he must die. The Beast offers a deal: He can go home if he will return in three days, or he can send one of his daughters. The other sisters of course sniff and make excuses, and their father says he is old and nearly dead and will return himself. But Belle slips out and rides the Beast's white horse, which knows the way to the castle. And the Beast's first words tell her, "You are in no danger." ' (Ebert,1999)
When Beauty first arrives at the castle the beast is no were to be seen, Beauty decides to wander into the castle as the door to the castle mysteriously opens on its on. As beauty walked inside the castle she came to a long and mysterious corridor with hands coming out of the wall holding candle lights.
As beauty walked down the corridor the candles one by one lit as she walked past them but also followed her, this straight away gave the castle a mysterious and magical feel.
Fig.2 Beauty and Beast together.
When beauty first see's the beast she is horrified by the ugliness of the beast and feels a sense of horror and fear. beauty wishes to leave the castle straight away but knows if she leaves her father will die.
The beast immediately becomes fond of beauty and tells her he will only see her at 7:00pm for dinner everyday, when the beast meets beauty for dinner he tells her he will ask the same question every time, until he gets an answer ( He asks for beauty to be his wife).
'A gorgeous, pin-sharp remaster for poet-dramatist-artist-director Jean Cocteau’s giddy, sumptuous 1946 retelling of the Freudian fairytale about a helpless girl and a kindhearted monster. Slightly pompous preamble aside, this ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is pure joy, a self-conscious but never precious attempt to revisit childhood fantasies and half-remembered dreams. The Beast’s ornate, decaying castle – ringed with thorns and filled with grasping hands – is a place of terror, wonder and mourning, the perfect reflection of its tragic, noble occupant. The tug of love between the monster and the maiden is never overplayed, but neither does the film shackle this beast – he remains unpredictable and threatening throughout.' (Tom Huddleston) (2013)
Time passes and beauty's father becomes ill over the fact that he has lost his daughter, beauty sees this as beast had given her a magical mirror in which she could see what she desired. From the news of her father beauty immediately begs the beast to leave for a week to see her father, beauty also said she will marry the beast if she is allowed. At first the beast does not allow beauty to leave, but out of the feelings that he is in love with beauty allows her to go. Before the beast lets beauty leave to see her father, he tells her that he would die if beauty did not return.
Fig.3 Beauty holding Beast by the river.
Beauty is given a magical glove that allows her to teleport to her fathers home, she is also given a golden key, which opens a tomb full of riches, beast tells her that this can be hers if he dies and holds trust in beauty that she will return.
Beauty then uses the glove and appears by her fathers bed side, on seeing beauty, her father is overjoyed and soon starts to recover. Beauty has two evil sisters, a brother and her brothers friend(Avenant) who is very fond of beauty. On learning of the key the two evil sisters come up with a plan to use Avenant to kill the beast and take the riches for themselves.
Fig.3 Beauty holding beast as he is dying.
Beauty learning that the beast had now fallen ill from beauty being away for so long, she hurry's back and finds the beast by a river. Meanwhile Avenant had found a magical horse that transported him to the beasts castle, when Avenant and beauty's brother had arrived they found the tomb and tried to use the key, the key did not work, so they decided to break in instead.
Avenant broke the glass ceiling of the tomb and asked beauty's brother to lower him down, as this happened a mysterious statue had a magical bow and arrow and shot Avenant in the back, immediately Avenant is transformed into the beast, while the beast changed into the image of Avenant. Beauty is shocked by this and said that beast now has the face of a man she had become fond of, Beast asked if this would be a problem but beauty decided it would not be.
'Cocteau plays up the differences between the ultra-realistic world of Belle's cottage -- with its huge white sheets hung up for drying in the backyard -- and Beast's castle, with its living statues with eyes that follow you wherever you go. When Belle first enters the castle, she moves in slow motion, as if running in a dream.
Though it tells the same story, and though I love both films very much, Cocteau's version could not be more different from Disney's 1991 version. Disney concentrates on warmth and comfort while Cocteau filters the story through the strangeness of dreams. In Cocteau, you can't quite get a firm handle on anything.' ( Anderson)
Roger Ebert (1999)
Tom Huddleston(2013)
Jeffrey M. Anderson:
Monday, 23 November 2015
Concept experiment #5
This is another concept, which is simpler and less crowded than my previous ones.
I feel that I prefer the simplicity as I am also looking at my working capability within the time limit.
Concept experiment #4
Another Concept experiment.
(top) Light version
(bottom) darker version
I am finding it hard to figure out which concept is best to use, deciding between these concepts or (concept experiment #5)
I still need to work on the exact sizing of certain buildings and structures. I am just trying to figure out which concept to choose and carry on developing.
Friday, 20 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Film Review: King Kong (1933)
fig. 1 King kong poster
King Kong was produced by Merian C. Cooperand Ernest B. Schoedsack.
The films is about a famous film director who is looking at capturing a new film and wants to go to an island that he has heard of, he is mysterious with telling the location of the island as he wants secrecy as it may be dangerous and the crew could be put off going.
"The story is not sophisticated. A movie director (Robert Armstrong) hires a ship, recruits his leading lady from off the streets of New York at the last moment, and sails for a mysterious Pacific island he heard about in Singapore. The island contains a legendary giant ape, which he hopes to use as the star of his movie. Fay Wray plays Ann Darrow, Kong's co-star, and Cabot is the sailor who falls in love with her and saves her from Kong. "Ebert(2002)
The film did a very good job at using Matte Paintings for the background of the scenes, this made the environment seem bigger and more like a mysterious, forest island.
The film I believe has a strong base around ethnics and tribal culture. The portrayal of kong may come across as an animal with rape like fanatics, such as the scene were he is feeling the girl and smelling his fingers, this could come across as an attraction towards the women, also in the same scene he starts to rip her clothes off as if she was just an object, and kong was allowed to do what he so pleased.
A particular scene in the opening of the movies, where the white men and women first go to the island, they come across a very deriving scene of tribal worship, the people are presented as animal like with black feathers and bone piercings.
The film portrays the female character more like an object rather than an actual person, this would most likely be because of the era that the film was made ( 1933) this is were women were not seen as equal as men.
The film is set on a mysterious island, were dinosaurs and great creatures exist, King kong seems to be the king of the island hence the name.
Fig.2 Film still
one particular scene in the film is were kong fights a t rex to project the girl he has become fond with, a great fight breaks out and kong beats the T Rex by dippings its jaw.
"Besides Kong in the jungle among other freaks to appear are a triceratops, a brontosaurus, a tyrannosaurus, a pterodactyl and a 60-foot snake. Kong battles three of them, including the snake. His first scrimmage is with the tyrannosaurus, which looks like the better known dinosaurs, and it’s a wrassling match the likes of which is never seen at the Garden. As an illusion it beats anything that follows, and there is plenty following. After Kong breaks them apart he picks up the pieces for a hasty examination and then beats his breast in token of victory. All he does with the serpent is slap it up against a rock a few times. Bigelow" (1933)
near the end of the film kong is captured and taken the new york, to be used in a show for the public, the paparazzi turn up and start taking pictures of kong, from the flashes kong becomes distressed and breaks free from his chains. King Kong finds the girl and takes here, destroying new york in the process, King seems to be scared as he has been taken from his home and put into a place were he is not the King.
Fig.3 film still of Kong on empire state building
King Kong climbs the Empire state building near the end, were he is attacked by fighter planes, Kong is killed from gun shots and falls off the empire state building, the ending ends with the film director i the films saids
"A monkey, forty feet tall (some fans say forty-five) may have obvious charms, but those charms have not convinced this viewer. King Kong is no full-blooded ape but rather a rusty, desiccated machine whose movements are downright clumsy. His only virtue, his height, did not impress the cinematographer, who persisted in photographing him from above rather than from below — the wrong angle, as it neutralizes and even diminishes the ape’s overpraised stature. He is actually hunchbacked and bowlegged, attributes that serve only to reduce him in the spectator’s eye. To keep him from looking the least bit extraordinary, they make him do battle with far more unusual monsters and have him reside in caves of false cathedral splendor, where his infamous size again loses all proportion. But what finally demolishes both the gorilla and the film is his romantic love — or lust — for Fay Wray" Borges(1933)
Robert Ebert(2002):
Joe Bigelow:(1933)
Jorge Luis Borges (1933):
Monday, 16 November 2015
Concept_experiment #3
Here I started to experimenting with my previous floating city design. this concept I am still working on but thought I should add a preview just to give an idea of what I am going for.
Concept_experimenting #2
Here I experimented with adding a floating city above my other city, I feel this did not work as well as I wanted it to, but from my experimenting I found the floating city could become a close up. so for my next idea I will focus on developing this city.
Concept Painting: experimenting
Here I carried on developing my concept painting, I looked into lighting affects.
I also added paths and some small scenery.
Feedback would be helpful to know if the lighting effects was a good idea.
Concept painting Idea #1
From designing this concept idea, i found that I really enjoyed the sic-fi feel it was giving, I feel that I may look into making my ideas more sci-fi based as the building ideas seem to be alien like and from another planet.
What if ? Metropolis : Thumbnails:56-59
I really enjoyed the colours I had used for these thumbnails as I feel that they relate to my work well.
For thumbnail 58 I was trying to think of a way of how to add doors and windows to my buildings but cannot work out fully how to do this as my buildings are spheres.
Feedback would be appreciated if you could let me know if I should add windows and doors to my buildings (and an idea on how to do it) or if I should just leave my buildings plain and add structures like thumbnail 57.
Film Review:Edward ScissorHands
Fig.1 Poster for Edward
Edward ScissorHands was directed by Tim Burton(1990)
The film is set in a 50's styled American suburb, the colours used in the film was based around commercial advertisement that was around in the 50's.
Beyond the town is a mysterious and very dark mountain which really does not fit into the time or place that is set in the film. On top of the mountain was a European gothic looking mansion which was home to the main character "Edward Scissorhands".
The film opens with the classic sales woman (Peg) who goes door to door trying to sell products. Peg was un-successful in her attempts to sell products. Peg decides to go to her car, when she notices the mysterious house in her car mirror.
The camera angle for this scene was very clever in the way that it was shown, the camera was angled towards the side mirror of the car, as the women moved the mirror to focus, and the gothic house came in to view as if this was in the normality of the town.
The scene then cuts to the Peg driving up to the house, and comes into an opening, were everything is beautifully created with shrub sculptures and a pebbled white path, As if to depict that you should not judge a book by its cover theorem, and shows that something dark and un-nerving can open up to something beautiful and creative.
Fig.2 Edward and Kim
Roger Ebert(1990) ”The movie takes place in an entirely artificial world, where a haunting gothic castle crouches on a mountaintop high above a storybook suburb, a goofy sitcom neighborhood where all of the houses are shades of pastels and all of the inhabitants seem to be emotional clones of the Jetsons. The warmest and most human resident of this suburb is the Avon lady (Dianne Wiest), who comes calling one day at the castle - not even its forbidding facade can deter her - and finds it occupied only by a lonely young man named Edward (Johnny Depp).” Ebert(1990)
The actual character of Edward Scissorhands is of which seems to be man with a childlike attitude, Edward was an invention of a scientist who lived in the gothic home and so was just like a new born baby, where he would have to be taught as if he was growing up. However the scientist died before Edward could ever be fully developed and this is why he has a childlike attitude and not knowing right from wrong. Edward was also undeveloped, as for hands he had Scissors, although the scientist had made hands for Edward, he died and the hands were destroyed, Edwards was left un-finished and without hands.
Owen Gleiberman (1990)Edward lives in an old gray horror-movie castle that looms up absurdly over the tract houses. It’s there that he was created by the Inventor (Vincent Price), a kindly Gepetto figure who neglected to give him human hands. When the local Avon Lady (Dianne Wiest) pays a visit there and finds Edward sitting alone, she takes him back and makes him a part of her family. The movie turns into a fish-out-of-water comedy, like Splash or E.T., with Edward the humanoid visitor struggling to fit into his new world. Most of the neighbors are amusingly nonchalant about having Edward in their midst. Gleiberman (1990)
Edward in a way comes across as someone who may have an aspergers like personality. Edward struggles with talking to anyone and so has hid away in the house without contact from the outside for many years, Edward also cannot speak clearly and seems to struggle with his words as if he never knows what to say to people. Finally Edward seems to have a creative brain, were his socializing skills and human contact lacks, he has taken up creating magnificent sculptures out of garden shrubs with his scissor hands.
The director could be getting across a message to people, to say that even though everyone is not perfect, people can work with their problems and make a negative into a positive.
Near the beginning of the film Edward is found by Peg, who sees that Edward is not all there and alone, out of sympathy Peg takes Edward into her home to live with her and her family.
Edwards also finds love in the film, the daughter of Peg (Kim) comes home and immediately Edwards start to get feelings for her. It comes as a problem to Edward as one point in the film Edward is asked to break into a house, Edward knew this was wrong but still goes ahead as he loves Kim who asked him to do it.
The breaking in leads to Edward being arrested and so is scared from the traumatic experience. Edward seems to be on edge throughout the rest of the film, as if Edward is going into a dark hole and soon would not be able to come back from it.
Fig.3 Movie still of town
The Towns people in the film is shown mainly of the common house wife of the 50's era, Were the woman would stay and work at home doing cleaning and the odd local job. All the woman as well seem to be connected, as this is a small town, everyone knows everyone, and anything new or exciting that happens in the town is heard about. This is why everyone is suspicious when Peg takes Edward back to her home. Everyone decided that they want to meet Edward as if he's something new in town and everyone wants a piece of him.
The ending of the film is a tragic scene were Edward accidentally hurts Kim's Brother this leads to one of the boys in the movies to start a fight with Edward, Edward accidentally cuts the boys arm and Kim tells Edward to run. Edward returns to his home but is perused by the boy who then tries to kill Edward, Edward retaliates and stabs the boy in the stomach and throws him out the window.
Kim then shows the town people a spare hand of Edwards and tells the Towns people that Edward was killed, From this point on Edward could never return to the town.
The film seems to be a film about love, trickery and loss. Edwards is in love with Kim, The towns people trick Edward into think they like him, but really are just using his gifts for their own interests, as soon as Edward shows signs of struggle, they turn and are against Edward trying to get him out of town. and lastly loss, this is can come into a lot of things in the film, such as the loss of Edwards creator, The loss of Edwards emotional and human like nature that turns him into more of an object rather than a human and lastly the loss of all that Edward had gained while in the town.
Raceme(site) 'This is a wonderful tale about love and kindness, but also about rejection and estrangement. It shows the limits of people's tolerance for what is different from them and how strangers, those who stray from the norm, commonly named 'misfits', awake mockery or fear from a society which will use them and ultimately reject them, thus breaking their innocence and goodness. Though a harsh satire of people's vices, such as deceit, gossip, jealousy, hypocrisy, as well as a tragic witness to the pain and frustration linked to being unable to be accepted as one is by others, the tone is still infused with an ever constant sweetness, gentleness and innocence.'
Roger Ebert (1990)
Owen Gleiberman (1990)
Fig.2 ://
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
what if ? Metropolis: 1000 words (new)
The City Of Dolor
I shall tell you of the city of Dolor, A place unlike no other.
As I travelled into the city of Dolor, I was given a sense of uneasiness, my eyes struggled to adjust to the strange and mysterious architecture that had surrounded me, settlements were weirdly shaped, some sphere shaped with sharp spikes shooting out of all angles, the structures was made up of dark purples and reds, surrounding the buildings were odd looking trees breaking through the roofs of homes and a small circular hole for a door. The houses were on stilts raised up off the ground as if the residents had to strive just to enter their homes.
I soon came to an opening were I met one of the residents of this strange city, this particular person seemed very odd, he had great big hairy arms longer than his body put together, he told me that many of the residents were old freak show performers, the buildings and there surroundings was built by the people to shelter themselves from the world and shut out all of the angry protesters who despise freaks.
As I carried on my journey I noticed my feet had become damp, I looked down and there I was standing in a river of blood looking water , I looked around and noticed all the homes were connected by this path which lead off to the distance. I then looked up and saw this great spire, the structure was the symbol of the all seeing eye.
Further on my journey I noticed small openings between buildings. As I ventured into one of the openings, I noticed a small cut out tree , this tree had caught my eye because of the symbol carved into the side, the symbol was of an eye. The symbol seemed to be a sign of worship towards the tower.
I soon became curious, and asked around about the eye, but no one would mention much, all I could gather is that the freaks see this eye as there protection, a way of thinking that there not so different from others, a beacon of hope that attracts freaks from far out places, to come to the city and live in a safe place, shut out from the outside world.
The city seemed to be split up of two parts, at the back of the city was where the previous freak show owners and high end circus performs had resided in the city before they all but moved on and abandoned this area, the area was full of tall sphere shaped skyscrapers with glamorous gold structures atop of them, these buildings seemed to be made of a strong sturdy material, the buildings were colours of, whites,golds,silvers and blues. the high end area was situated to the back of the city just in front of the all seeing eye tower.
In the front part of the city was where the freaks reside and still live, disturbing spiked, sphere shaped buildings, from what seemed to be made of the old part of the city, most of the buildings seemed to be made out of hellish purply and red colours, the colours seemed to be the same as that of the symbol carved into the tree. Another strange curiosity of the buildings was that some of them had very distinctive features such as weird looking, tree like spikes coming out of the sides, or feather like sculptures sticking out from the sides of buildings.
One of the locals offered to bring me inside one of the homes, so I gladly accepted and ventured into the home, as I had predicted I was made to climb into the small circular door way, possible because these homes were of an old building structure. As I entered the house I came to huge open area inside the house, in this area there was a bench, a table, two shelfs which had what seemed to be boxes of some kind and an old rug to cover the floor.
as I left the house, I decided to go for a walk and see the city from the outside, I climbed a hill which was situated opposite the city, the view was spectacular, the city was full a mixture of glamour and hellish designs, the sky had a slight purply tint, and the sun shone down, hitting the golden skyscraper sculptures, to show all that was hidden, now I could see that the city was actually cut in half by the definitive of the new and the old areas. The freaks area seemed to be more mud tracked with the river of watery blood giving the city a disturbing feel.
I could see now that the freaks homes seemed as if they were cursed, that all they could do was prey to this huge tower of the all seeing eye, a tower which seemed to be made of a magical construct, beams of light shot off the tower, hitting down onto the city below.
as I sat there I came to a thought , the city strongly reminds me of a religious like aspect, the high end city was lavish and full of money as if this was heaven colours of white and gold, and on the other end was the freaks homes, covered in hellish looking colours and disturbing aspect of the buildings, the wall could be seen as the gates of heaven and even be the tower could be the one looking over the city, perhaps the freaks prayed to seek passage into the enlightened area.
This was the City of Dolor full of freaks, a place were Hopes and dreams are not what they seem, the city that hides its true meaning in plain sight and the mysteries of the all seeing eye which I shall never truly understand its true purpose.
This is the City Of Dolor.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Thursday, 5 November 2015
What if, Metropolis: 1000 words
The City Of Dolor
I shall tell you of the city of Dolor, A place unlike no other.
As I trembled into the city of Dolor, I was given a sense of uneasiness, my eyes struggled to adjust to the strange and mysterious architecture that had surrounded me, settlements were weirdly shaped, in a dark purpley-red like colour, with odd looking trees breaking through the roofs of homes and a small square hole for a door. The houses gave the impression that the residents were presented as animals and made to crawl into there homes and live in the ruins of a deprived home.
I soon came to an opening were I met one of the residents of this strange city, this particular person seemed very odd, he head great big hairy arms longer than his body put together, he told me that many of the residents were old freak show performers, the buildings and there surroundings was built by the people to shelter themselves from the world and shut out all of the angry protesters who despise freaks.
As I carried on my journey I noticed my feet had become damp, I looked down and there I was standing in a river of blood looking water , I looked around and noticed all the homes were connected by this path which lead off to the distance. I then looked up and saw this great spire, the structure was the symbol of the all seeing eye. The tower was not approachable, surrounding the tower was a high wall covered in moss, on top of this great wall was spikes, it seemed to be to stop trespassers from crossing over the wall.
Further on my journey I noticed small ally ways, as I ventured down one, I noticed a wall, this wall had caught my eye because of the symbol of an eye which had been placed on wall. The symbol seemed to be a sign of worship towards the tower.
I soon became curious, and asked around about the eye, but no one would mention much, all I could gather is that the freaks see this eye as there protection, a way of thinking that there not so different from others, a beacon of hope that attracts freaks from far out places, to come to the city and live in a safe place, shut out from the outside world.
The city seemed to be split up of two parts, at the back of the city was where the previous freak show owners and high end circus performs had resided in the city before they all but moved on and abandoned this area, the area was full of tall skyscraper looking buildings, these buildings seemed to be made of strong concrete structures, the buildings were colours of, whites,golds,silvers and blacks. the high end area was situated to the back of the city just in front of the all seeing eye tower.
In the front part of the city was we're the freaks reside and still live, self built homes, from what seemed to be from anything they could find around, most of the buildings seemed to be made out of black metal roofs and seemed to all be painted in this hellish purply-red colour, the colours seemed to be a the same as that of the symbol of the wall where the centre of the eye was a purply-red colour. Another strange curiosity of the buildings was that some of them had very distinctive human like features, it seemed as if there were arms and legs coming out of the buildings and even some of them seemed to have shapes that looked like faces.
One of the locals offered to bring me inside one though homes, so I gladly accepted and ventured into the home, as I had predicted I was made to crawl into the small door ways, possible because these homes were man-made. As I entered the house I came to huge open area inside the house, i this area there was a bench, a table, two shelfs with which seemed to be boxes of some kind and an old rug to cover the floor.
as I left the house, I decided to go for a walk and see the city from the outside, I climbed a hill which was situated opposite the city, the view was spectacular, the city was full of hellish looking colours, with purples,black and reds, the sky had a slight purply tint, and the sun shone down, hitting the skyscraper tips to show all that was hidden, now I could see that the city was actually cut in half by a giant wall, the freaks area seemed to be more mud tracked with the river of watery blood giving the city a disturbing feel.
I could see now that the freaks homes seemed as if they were cursed, that all they could do was prey to this huge tower of the all seeing eye, a tower which seemed to be made of a magical construct, beams of light shot off the tower, hitting down onto the city below.
as I sat there I came to a thought , the city strongly reminds me of a religious like aspect, the high end city was lavish and full of money as if this was heaven colours of white and gold, and on the other end was the freaks homes, covered in hellish looking colours and disturbing aspect of the buildings, the wall could be seen as the gates of heaven and even be the tower could be the one looking over the city, perhaps the freaks prayed to seek passage into the enlightened area.
This was the City of Dolor full of freaks, a place were Hopes and dreams are not what they seem, the city that hides its true meaning in plain sight and the mysteries all seeing eye which I shall never truly understand its true purpose.
This is the City Of Dolor.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
Sunday, 1 November 2015
What If ? Metropolis: Influence Map #1
Here I looked into Hieronymus Bosch, Hell based artwork, I prefer this side of his work to his other more bright and colourful pierces of work.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
Animation Lesson #5 (Ball Animation) #1
Here I looked at making the ball speed up as it got closer to the ground, to give a sense of gravity to the animation. but also looking at the weight of my object, so I adjusted to make the animation to either faster or slower.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
What If ? Metropolis: Thumbnails 1-11
here I looked at some structures that could potentially be in my final piece.
Here I thought of designing the centre piece and certain close ups of my ideas.
Here I looked into adding some colour to my work, I looked at images of bruises to get an idea for the flooring of my world.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Life Drawing #3

For my third life drawing lesson, a theme was added which was the mexican day of the dead, The life model was clothed and this was a n obstacle for me as clothing tends to always be in a different shape compared to a the body which stays roughly the same, I found the day enjoyable and helpful in developing my skills.
Film Review: 2001 a space odyssey
Fig.1 2001 a space odyssey
2001 a space odyssey(1968) is a sic-fi film which was produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick.
The film comes across as a film about evolution, and alien like technology. During the beginning of the film apes find a mysterious black sculpture which seems to make the apes evolve into a more human like persona.
Here is a review by Rob Humanick (2007) talking about the opening scene "The first step toward the stars comes when mankind, presented as the aforementioned ape-men roaming the Earth millions of years ago, realizes that a bone needn't be just a bone. This first (and simplest) tool gives way to an orbiting spacecraft."
The film gives off and makes the mind think what really is going on in the film , some interesting scenes in the film was where the apes had now evolved and learned to fight, the un evolved apes come to share the water hole in which all of of the apes a residing, this scene then carries on into the evolved apes killing an undeveloped ape, as if to show that the newly evolved is killing off the old.
The ape scene is very similar to a scene further on in the film. This is where the film is set in the space age. In this stage of the film men had found the mysterious marker and evolved them into creating the Hal 9000, this could be seen as the next evolution stage; where machinery is the new life.
During the movie Hal 9000 starts to kill off the humans, as if to show just like the ape scene, the more evolved creation is trying to kill off the old, just like a cycle of life, the old must be smothered for the new to strive.
Fig.2 Film Still
when the film is at the point in where the antagonist is entering Jupiter everything becomes very strange and obscure, all that is shown is a variety of shapes and colours and strange music is played, as if this is a 4th dimension, the space outside of the 3rd dimension of reality, where time has a mind of its own and evolution is created.
Tim Durks : "The only survivor of the mission - a human specimen, it appears that he is in an observation chamber or tank, scrutinized by alien, extra-terrestrial superior intelligences or beings - symbolized by the black monolithic slabs - who decide that he should be reborn. The film's many reproductive allusions: procreation, gestation, birthing, and nursing, are further visualized throughout this final sequence. The alien beings assist him in making a basic symbiotic change in consciousness toward a more completely civilized human being, with a universal knowledge of existence. The end result of the space odyssey is not a greater and more infallible machine, but a greater, more fully-realized being produced in a second childhood."
near the end of the film there is a variety of scenes were the antagonist is evolving, time jumps as if the room is a testing room for a new type of evolution, subjects are studied and work is calculated to eventually get the next stage of the human evolution.
Fig.3 Interior shot of space ship/film still
At the very end there is the newly evolved Dan (The antagonist) who seems to be a new style of life, a way that perhaps the newly evolved has been sent back to get rid of the previous evolved and start a new, or maybe, it is there to guide the un-evolved to further their development.
This is a quote explaining the ending of 2001 a space odyssey, Roger Ebert(1997) "The film did not provide the clear narrative and easy entertainment cues the audience expected. The closing sequences, with the astronaut inexplicably finding himself in a bedroom somewhere beyond Jupiter, were baffling. The overnight Hollywood judgment was that Kubrick had become derailed, that in his obsession with effects and set pieces, he had failed to make a movie.
What he had actually done was make a philosophical statement about man's place in the universe, using images as those before him had used words, music or prayer. And he had made it in a way that invited us to contemplate it -- not to experience it vicariously as entertainment, as we might in a good conventional science-fiction film, but to stand outside it as a philosopher might, and think about it."
Rob Humanick (2007) :
Tim Durks:
Roger Ebert (1997) :
fig. 1 -
fig. 2 -
fig. 3 -
Digital Painting Lesson #4
Here I had to take two completely random objects and combine them together to make one life form/object
Friday, 23 October 2015
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Zirma, Invisible Cities: Low Exterior Shot
Here I tried to create a built up area, that comes across as normal at first glance, but if someone would look closer they would become unsettled as the area would give of a feel of nothing... a sense of quietness that makes someone nervous and on edge.
Zirma, Invisible Cities: Interior Shot
Here is my interior shot for my city zirma, for the research of these I looked into asylum corridors and gathered that many of them narrow down to a point, so I decided to make my interior narrow to a point to give a sense of the walls coming in and make a person un-easy.
Zirma, Invisible Cities: Exterior Shot
Here is my exterior Shot For my city Zirma, I hoped that this piece would achieve and give the viewer a feel of seclusion and emptiness, the idea for my city is that people do not need glamour and bright lights to live in there city, just plain skyscrapers and flats, repetition was a big part of my city so I did not change the colour of the buildings but added some colour just so everything was not so black and white.
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