Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What if ? Metropolis OGR part 2

1 comment:

  1. OGR 19/11/2015

    Hi Sam,

    Firstly, I think you've been having some breakthroughs lately in terms of design, and that's very encouraging. Secondly, while your spikes and sphere assets are good (and I can see them working well in 3D), I think you need to spend a bit more time with your composition, as right now, you've got an odd 'up in the air' POV, and there's a sense of an 'empty stage set' going on here.

    My advice is very simple: 1) I think you need a greater variety of Bosch-inspired elements alongside your spheres, so I suggest looking at your recent thumbnails and perhaps working with 3 different forms so your digital set feels suitably varied and diverse.

    2) I think you should scratch-build some basic spheres etc in Maya and experiment with some alternate compositions. Personally, I suspect that keeping the camera low and 'looking up' at some of these structures will help you create more of a sense of menace and other-worldliness. Try and think of your compositions as being from a human perspective, so your buildings feel impactful and truly architectural.

    You've made some real progress, Sam - but I'd like to see you spend just a bit more time really working up a great composition, using more of your successful forms.

    In terms of your matte painting, you need to think more ambitiously about its contribution. This is about using a 2D element to extend the city, as opposed to just showing us some sky. I want to get a better sense of being 'in' your city, and a sense too that I could walk even further into it - should I dare!
