Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Fantastic Voyage : OGR Part 1

fv_OGR_1 by Sam on Scribd


  1. OGR 16/03/17

    Hey Sam,

    Okay - I know you're not as far ahead as you wanted to be with this. At the moment, I can't see a connection between your visual influences and your South Park idea, so your images are very 'science' and yet your tone looks to be more comedic and character-driven. How about you put an update up on your blog when you're a bit more prepared? Do an @Phil and I'll appear soon enough :)

  2. Hey Phil,

    Thanks for understanding, and allowing me some extra time, I will have a look at more relatable research for my target audience and see if I can find an animation that will help benefit my art style and project : )
